What should you buy?

It’s not easy deciding what 3D Printer or 3D scanner you should get.

I will give you advice or direct recommendations based on what you fill out in the form. This should help you get a better understanding on which product(s) might suite you best.

I do this for free in exchange for your email adress to use for updating you on products I sell, or videos I release.

I encourage you to donate a few bucks, digital beer or by using affiliate links when applicable, to thank me for the time guiding you.

Fill out the form

Terms of “free" services

This service is free, and done by my in terms of time and availability.

My advice is just an advice, and I take no responsibility for your actual purchase and how you handle the products.

I base my advices on 8+ years of experience as a hardware salesperson, responsible for training, servicing, repairing and providing solutions for 1000s of customers in Sweden (and the world). Add to that years of reviewing and testing 3D products on YouTube and generally nerding into addivite manufacturing.